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Embedded Award
The company WFE Systems (customer to Stiernbrandt AB) is nominated
to the Swedish
Electronic Trades price Embedded Award. De-
a boat
or bridge free from ice. The system knows when new ice is forming and
then starts
a water current generator or air compressor. Mr. Lars Friberg, WFE Systems AB have
invented a system with low energy costs to keep the water from freezing around boats
and bridges.
A low cost data aquisition & control system
By using a micro controller with high resolution ADC and DAC connected to a
PC with
graphical user interface, you will get an advanced measuring system. Stiernbrandt
AB, has done this and more. Here he describes some of the ZPro2560® system.
Press Room
A Swedish board for you who have grown out of Aurduino
Stiernbrandt AB has launched a board based on the ATMega2560. It is aimed at both
education and advanced development work. It includes a 3axis accelerometer, 24bit
ADC with 8 channels, buffered and unbuffered, 2 channel 16bit DAC. Pressure sensor
and Bluetooth with a range of abt 1 km line-
There is always something going on at Stiernbrandt AB. Best way to find out what, is through our press room. Here you find press releases, current news. Curious for more, please contact our press contact.
Stiernbrandt AB is assisting Labino with enhancement and developing work with MB Hercules Ex. Probably the most durable UV light in the world today, suitable for any "heavy duty" environment!
Stiernbrandt AB has developed a sensitive automated calibration unit for Symcel´s medical measuring equipment for analytical instrumentations.